Friday, June 12, 2009

Last Day of School

summer = grilling BBQ chicken

Today was K & O's last day of school. It is hard for them to end the year. Very hard. They love school. LOVE SCHOOL. Today they were both very sad, weepy, emotionally in turmoil. (Owen cried a river, and Kyle even threw up...twice... today --he was that upset). Oh how they'll miss their teachers, their classrooms, their school, their daily play with their friends. Oh how sad it is to end the school year. Oh how in love with their Waldorf School they are (and for the time being at least, if they are this happy and thriving and self-confident and assured and rooted with it, then we are surely sticking with it). They got through their little year-closing-ceremonies ok. And Owen managed to have one last hurrah in the school playground creek (the mud-covered clothes are currently being soaked by our home's Laundry Master, Braydon). Braydon is looking forward to a summer-long break from that creek that causes so many laundry problems. I am looking forward to a summer-long break from that darn school-lunch-making routine five nights a week. And as much as they don't fully realize it now, the boys are in store for a splendid childhood summer. And since today was, afterall, the last day of school, tomorrow is, therefor, our official First Day of Summer. So, yet another era ends and a new one begins. As I say to the boys every single night as I'm tucking them into bed: "Today is all done, and tomorrow is a new day."

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