Friday, November 10, 2006


Finally it's Friday after a long week. In the academic calendar there is an inverse relationship to the amount energy people have with the level of intensity of things over time. In otherwords, here in our house, as we near the end of the semester, everyone is tired and hanging in there, but it's nuts.

For Heather it's really tough and exhausting; for the supporters in her life, it's just tough. But I want to say this: Despite the daily grind, I find comfort in my kids and my wife. That comfort is remebering to be human, a good person and be connected. Many days, when the stress is so high and things are moving too fast, it's hard to see that, but I get that comfort none-the-less. I am so privledged to have it. Regardless of how flat out we are, K&O and Heather don't accept anything less than full engagement, and I so deeply appreciate that.

My goal is to go to bed every night feeling close to and bonded with mt family. So far so good. Not 100%, but we're a happy family, so I think it's ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree Braydon, and I have to tell you that I don't know how Heather has the energy to be so engaged every day. The only thing I can imagine is that she's got some great support in you, her boys, and the rest of her family. Go Johnson-McCormick's!!!