Friday, November 10, 2006

Follow Up to "Movin' and Shakin' Post"

Well, it is 9:15 pm and the boys are fast asleep in their new big boy beds in their new separate rooms -- VERY, very, VERY, VERY, very, very happily... Now, let's just remember, they are two year olds. Things could quickly change. Moods can quickly swing. We'll have to see what unfolds over the next few days... but... Just based on today--- As is usually the case, these boys have once again astounded us. Astounded us with their incredible zest for life. Astounded us with their truly remarkable well-adjustedness. Astounded us with their unmistakable (and, from what I can tell, definitely UNUSUAL) sense of gratitude for things that in most circumstances 2-year-olds are generally not consciously and expressively grateful for. I guess I should have guessed it - or somehow forseen it - but of course, being the high-strung anxious person I am, I didn't. I get so worried about things - about adjustments and transitions and leaps in life. My boys are the opposite: they each take these sorts of moments in life and enthusiastically attack them with the most eager and engaging and spirited energy and gratitude. Here I was all nervous about how they'd react to separate rooms and separate beds. Upon arriving home from daycare and seeing the movin' and shakin' that had taken place with their rooms and beds -- it took all of about .001 second for them both to grab the bull by the horns and start running back-and-forth between their two "new rooms" and climbing up and down from the "new beds" exclaiming things like,
"Let's go see Owen's Room!"
"Now let's go see Kyle's new big blue bed!!"
"Whoa! Look at MY room!"
"WOW! It's my new bed!"
They hugged Braydon and I, and kissed us, and at one point both thanked us for the "new rooms" and "new beds" (what 2 year old does THAT?!)... If you have any doubt at this point that they love the new scenario, I'll leave you with this to convince you: At one point Kyle broke out singing the Halleluiah Chorus! (Seriously. I'm not kidding. Not kidding at all.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

H&B - truly amazing...i'm sure they will 'sleep tight' in their new beds and will enjoy their new found independence!