Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween - Trick or Treating

I cannot imagine a more fun Halloween night than this one was. The boys were just so, so, so into it! Everything about it was so fun for them. They got to carry flashlights, which was HUGE. They got to run around in the dark on everyone's lawns, which was HUGE. They got to say, "rooaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" about 100 times, which was HUGE. They got to ring everybody's doorbells, which was HUGE. They were absolutely adorable and delighted everyone at every house we went to. The boys would run up to the door, ring the bell, wait patiently for the door to open up, and then shout: "Trick or treat!!!" I mean, seriously, how is that not the cutest thing going? They got tons of candy, which they could barely care less about (although we let them eat waaaay more of it than you're probably supposed to let a 2-year-old eat). But after we went inside at the end of the night they never even looked in their pumpkins to see all the loot they had collected in there. Who cares, right? (well, Braydon and I cared-- we ate it all after they went to bed). It really was a magical night. Rooaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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