Friday, November 03, 2006

P.S. To Braydon's Diaper Failure Post

I just read Braydon's post from this morning. It is true that this morning when the boys woke up we immediately realized that Kyle had gone all night with no diaper, and that it had been Braydon who got him ready for bed last night, and that our poor boy was soaked and chilled to the bone as the result of Braydon's wrong-doing. But I just have to say: in defense of my husband --- who is the best, and most intimately-involved-with-daily-hands-on-childcare, father I know --- that this is not an example of "Parent Failure," it is clearly an example of Parent Exhaustion (otherwise known as Working-Father-of-Twin-Two-Year-Olds-DELIRIUM).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hysterical! And yes...its not parent failure Braydon....exhaustion is the truth!