Sunday, December 03, 2006

Quote of the Day: "Mama, I'm fussin'!"

Tonight during the boys bath, Braydon and I were kissing on the bathroom floor. I noticed that K & O had stopped their bath-time-playing and were watching us kiss. I said, "I'm kissing Papi, o.k.?" And they both said, "O.k. Mama!" and smiled and nodded happily. Braydon and I continued kissing, and the boys continued watching. As we continued to kiss, the boys started to get antsy. Then annoyed. Then clearly, clearly upset. They were jealous. Owen started getting really jealous, then started whining loudly. Braydon and I ignored it, and kept on kissing. Owen, bothered that I wasn't responding to his ploy to get me to kiss him instead of his Papi, stopped whining, threw down his hands and said, in the most clear and serious tone: "Mama, I'm fussin'!"

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