Monday, January 29, 2007

Food (& Other Blogs' Posts) for Thought

I'm sitting in my office eating my lunch and trying to force myself to take an actual lunch break. I told myself I was going to do no work for a full 1/2 hour while I ate the sandwich I packed myself this morning. So, I started catching up on some of the blogs I like to read. One of them is the blog Anti-Racist Parent ( There's an interesting conversation happening on that blog right now regarding this question: Do parents love adopted children differently than biological children? It is a question I have thought about a lot. And a question that Braydon and I have talked about a lot. The Anti-Racist Parent post, and especially the comments in response to it, are worth reading -- not because they conclude anything earth-shattering or make any mind-blowing points (they don't) -- but because they dish out some food for thought: Check it out if you have (or are forcing yourself to have) a little break in your day too! Click Here to read the post and comments.


Bek said...

As a parent w/ both kids of kids, I saw that and left a commnet... Last time I did that people jumped all over me.. I better head over there and see what is going on..

Don't you think that all parents love all of their children a little bit the same and a little bit different? Each little person comes with different things that can make it easier or harder to love.... ...

Anonymous said...


I went there, and I have to tell you, I hated it. At some point, these issues become moot. For example, the question they ask about is it racist for white parents to adopt children of color. This makes my blood boil! The FACT is that there are many, many children of color who need adopting, who are not adopted by people of color. If I am willing, if I am able, I don't give a rats you-know-what if it is racist that I gave my babies a home, or that you did either. As for the differences in love for our kids, you know, we love all of them different. Jess we have 8 years of 1:1 history with. I can see myself in her. I can see Jason in her. It's cool. It's easy and comfortable. Is it the same with some of our older child adoptions that we're still getting to know, or some of our kids who have issues? Well, they are not all easy kids. But I would still step in front of a bus for any one of them. And for the little ones that don't have issues? The love is FIERCE, like yours for your boys. No different than mine was for Jess when she was that age.

I'm sorry if I sound so passionate (crazy) about this. Sometimes I think people on blogs like the anti-racist one spend too much time thinking/talking and not enough time DOING. Instead of "should they?" and "can one?", I think people should "ADOPT" and "LOVE"!!!

Love, Corey