Sunday, April 22, 2007

Snorkeling 101: Progress Report

Snorkeling 101 is well underway (click here). Braydon's diligence and patience (and sheer determination) are paying off; even I must admit, Snorkeling 101 is going very well. Braydon has been the ever-so-earnest Instructor since he committed himself to this 'project.' Regarding the Instructor... In true Braydon fashion he is kind and supportive toward his pupils, while at the same time driven to see them succeed. Anyone who knows him can imagine. I'll leave it at that. ;0 Owen has been an eager and enthusiastic pupil right from the start. Always ready to jump at the bathtime opportunity to put on the mask and tell his Papi all the things he "sees under there!" (he sees "dolphins!" "Swiper the Fox!" "fishes!" etc., etc., etc., "under there!"). He has recently begun a new phase of the training --- blowing bubbles "under there!" He can blow "big bubbles" and "little bubbles" and can watch them underwater through the mask. His only snorkeling 'issue' thus far is his over-enthusiasm for the activity. Braydon can't seem to get him to stop kicking (thus splashing the bathwater all over the bathroom) while he's looking underwater. Kyle has been a more hesitant pupil. After his first mask-wearing-experience (when he reported the mask to be "too tight") he has been less-than-happy about the Snorkeling 101 exercises. However, in recent evenings he's been more and more enthusiastic about wearing the mask and trying out the under-water-bathtime-sight-seeing-adventures. And tonight Kyle had a major breakthrough in his training. He spent virtually the entire bath bobbing back-and-forth between being submerged underwater with his mask (seeing "star fish!" and "an octopus!" "under there!"), and bolting upright (see photo above) with a huge proud grin to 'high five' his Papi-Snorkeling-Instructor. (Honestly, it was one of the cutest things I think I've ever seen between any father and any son ever). Tonight the boys had a special lesson --- they got special training in looking at each other underwater with the masks on! Yes, Snorkeling 101 is going very well indeed!

1 comment:

Kathy Cassel said...

Wow! You guys really do keep busy! You have way too much fun! : )