Wednesday, May 09, 2007

How Old Are You?

8:00 this morning, waiting for the garbage truck to arrive (if you don't know how much K & O love the garbage truck just read this blog's archives). Owen says, "Kyle, how old are you?" Kyle says, "You know Owen, you say it!" Owen says, "Fhree! You are fhree Kyle. And I am fhree too. We are both fhree. We are this many" (and he holds up three fingers). "How old are you?" I say, trying to see if overnight Kyle has mastered the art of holding up three fingers (he can't seem to do it even though Owen has been able to do it for a long time now). In unison they both say, "Fhree! We are fhree!"

Owen holds up the three fingers again.
It takes some concentration, but he can do it.
Kyle, despite his concentration, cannot~~~
"Here Kyle, let me show you."
Owen tries to show Kyle how to do it.
But still Kyle cannot~~~

"Ahhhh!" Forget it!! Who cares?!!!~~~
(note that Kyle has mastered putting his hand
into his jacket pocket all by himself,
and Owen has not)~~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always, great pics of your boys!
Sounds like they have not come down from the high of their 3rd birthday yet! My girls turn 4 next month. Time goes too quickly.