Tuesday, June 12, 2007

K & O's First Phone Call

Kyle and Owen have pretended to talk on the phone with each other countless times. But last night was their first real phone call together one-on-one. Kyle was in the waiting room of the hospital Emergency Room with Braydon. Owen was at home with me. Braydon called home to check in. We put Owen and Kyle on the phone alone together. I put it on speaker phone so I could hear:

Kyle: Hi Owen!
Owen: Hi Kyle.
K: Hi Owen! You there Owen?
O: Kyle, I am staying at home.
K: Oh.
O: Kyle, you have a big owie?
K: Yes. I have a bracelet Owen. I have a bracelet. [He's referring to the hospital admittance bracelet.]
O: Oh.
K: Hi Owen!
O: Kyle, I am staying at home. You are at the hospital Kyle?
K: Hi Owen!
O: I miss you Kyle. I love you.
K: I love you too.
O: I love you Kyle. I'm waiting for you at home. You have a big owie?
K: It's red. It's red. It's red Owen.
O: Oh. O.k. Where's Papi?
K: A PT Cruiser! I saw a PT Cruiser with Papi. [Apparently they had seen a PT Cruiser car during the drive to the hospital.]
O: Oh. O.k. Bye.
K: Bye.

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