Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Top Ten: Potty Talk

People joke about the funny things that little chidren say related to all-things-potty. But what about the funny things we find ourselves saying during that fleeting (and luckily relatively short-lived) phase of life in which we potty train our children?! My guess is that potty training twins just makes for double the ridiculously bizarre things that come out of our mouths?! Here are the top ten potty talk things I've heard Braydon and/or I actually verbalize in the past several days. Note: This is a family-friendly, "G" rated blog so some of the really good quotes have been censored here.

  1. O.k., listen. Look at me. No matter how hard you push sometimes nothing comes out. If you've been sitting there for fifteen minutes you probably don't have to go!
  2. Good job! Yay! Yay!!! O.k., now just let me clean it all up.
  3. Wait! Wait! If you're both going to go at once you need to aim for the water not for your brother! Careful! Ooops. O.k., listen, next time you have to try to not pee so much on your brother.
  4. Yes, you are right. You are both good poopers.
  5. No, that's not a funny thing to say. We can't touch it and we cannot eat it. That's gross and I want you to both stop saying that. No, stop it! Don't laugh at him when he says that!
  6. O.k., as soon as I look at his poopie then I'll come look at your poopie.
  7. Wait! Don't move! You can't always try to watch it come out. Look-- now there is poopie all over the potty!
  8. No, we don't have to show them. Believe me, they don't all want to see it. Only your mommy and papi and twin brother want to see your poopies.
  9. You know what? You don't need to go every single time your brother goes. Let's just try to get through the store now, o.k.?
  10. O.k., just calm down. Relax. Next time you can flush his.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh!! Oh, some of those sound familiar...

Life in Fitzville said...

>O.k., just calm down. Relax. Next time you can flush his.

This is my favorite. I so totally get this. I didn't have any twins, but kids so close in age, we had some potty training together. Cracked me right up, and brought back memories!