Thursday, July 05, 2007

Photo of the Day

Owen and Kyle's new favorite pastime: Playing With Papi's Old Ties. They each have one. They spend long extended periods of time "tying them" onto "button shirts" and "wearing ties" to go to "the airport" and "to work" and "to the big organ music church" and "tying them" and "making them on button shirts so tight on the neck" and "wearing big nice ties" to "go on the airplane" and "wearing ties that are tied" to "work at a restaurant" and "wearing ties as cookers at Carrabas Restaurant" where they "wear ties to make pasta" and "wear ties to make salad and bread and everybody eats it and it is so good" because they are "good cookers!" and then they "tie ties onto button shirts" to "drive the ferry so fast" and "tying the ties" to "be pilots driving big airplanes up in the sky" and "tying the ties" and "tying the ties" and "tying the ties."

1 comment:

insanemommy said...

This is so damn cute! I am amazed constantly at how observant children are. I keep wondering if I were like that at a young age or if kids today just have better advantages and parent's that are a little more aware.