Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Start of a Perfect Day

It is wrong to try to make claims about other people's feelings. Even if those other people are people who just turned three two months ago. And even if you are those people's mother. But I have to say, that if Kyle and Owen could articulate it, I believe they'd say that in their opinion today was a Perfect Day. Not the perfect day (I do believe that there are several versions of a perfect day for them)... but definitely a perfect day. I think they feel that way. I think they express that through their behavior and attitude -- even if they can't verbally communicate it. Today was the first day of a week with me playing stay-at-home-mom since Alex is on vacation. Believe me, they'll be THRILLED to see Alex by Thursday of next week!!!!!!!! They'll go screaming and running with complete delight the second she arrives at the door!!! They'll be happy-beyond-belief to finally get a break from me! Seriously. I'm not at all kidding. However, like probably most kids of working moms, Kyle and Owen love having mom-at-home time too. And these times are very special for our family. The boys had a leisurely morning around the house and never got out of their pajamas until 10:30 (when they changed into their bathing suits). They got to do lots of their favorite activities at home today: beading (!!), play-dough, tons of swimming, and "cooking" (i.e., cutting up fruit for a fruit salad and then mixing it up). They both got rocked to sleep by their mama for their afternoon naps. We went to pick up Jessica Waters from her Engineering Day Camp (great excitement for K & O!!!), Jessica came home and played with us for awhile, and later in the day... major highlight: the Waters Family came over to swim. To cap it all off the boys got to have one of their absolute favorite dinners tonight: The two of them completely polished off an entire box of Annie's Macaroni and Cheese (click) loaded up with tons of peas mixed into it (yup, it is true: that is one of their all-time-favorite foods in the whole whole whole wide world -- they literally light up and start squirming with glee when they see those organic white cheddar shells and green baby peas mixed all up together sitting in the bowl). Anyway, all in all, it was a Perfect Day for K & O.

The start of the day involved something never-previously-experienced in the Johnson-McCormick Family home. The boys were standing up on their stools in the kitchen ready to make a yogurt smoothie in the blender. They were waiting for me to collect the ingredients so we could begin. I noticed them kissing on the stools (for the past few days they've been back in a TOTAL lovey-dovey kissing phase where they kiss each other randomly numerous times throughout the day). All of a sudden Kyle said, "Mama, take our picture with the camera! Take our picture kissing!" Owen said, "Yes! Mommy! Get the camera! Take our picture kissing!!!" Never before have either of them ever requested we take a picture of anything. I grabbed the camera and obliged their request.


Anonymous said...

You will be there for the rest of your life to catch him....even if he doesn't know he needs to be caught!

insanemommy said...

I'm going to get in the car and come see you. Those boys are soo dang cute and sooo smart! You have done a wonderful job parenting them. I am applauding you.