Saturday, August 04, 2007

MorMor: Just Skip Over This Post

So, yeah, Mom, if you're reading this, just go ahead and skip over this post (for the same reasons mentioned in the previous post). So, anyway, we decided it would be fun to get out the boys' old baby slide to use as a pool-side-slide (o.k., I admit, it was me who came up with this idea). Owen and I found it in the attic. He was thrilled with the concept right from the start. The boys got a big kick out of sliding down it into the pool. They did this over and over and over...

Until... they came up with the bright idea (o.k., I admit, it was me who came up with this idea too) to turn it around backward... and use it not as a slide, but as a high dive. Kyle went first, of course:

Then Owen:

Over the course of the rest of the afternoon they did this about a million times... each. They are really good at high diving. ;-0


Mamato2 said...

Okay, I admit, I am would be with your mom on this one! lol
I kept cringing b/c I pictured the slide, "sliding" back and them hitting the cement, instead! Obviously that didn't happen. Phew! :)
Btw, your pool/property look amazing! In the first pics I thought it was a hotel! :)

Mamato2 said...

PS: After I wrote the above comment I thought, "Oh sure, this from the Mama who swings her own daredevil child (8 1/2 mths old) higher than most 4 yr olds willingly go!" "This from the Mama who horrified people in Ethiopia, by letting her, then 5 month old, go beneath the pool's surface and paddle herself back up!"
And, she loves it all, btw! lol