Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Papi's Candle Cake

I got home from my conference (in K&O-talk: my "work trip") just in time to ensure that Kyle and Owen could present their Papi with a "candle cake." We sang Happy Birthday to Papi, K & O were beyond delighted with it all, and Braydon indulged them, of course, in "helping" him to "blow it out!" Kyle loved the cake so much (it was right up his alley: banana-bread cake with buttercream frosting) that he had TWO slices. The day ended with a profound moment with Owen (thanks Corey for talking that one through with me...), but I'll post about that tomorrow when I have a bit more energy. Sorry to keep you hangin', but this WM (Working Mama) is spent-- and I need to try to get to bed early so I can catch up on some much-needed sleep (pretty sad statement when 10:30 is early). And... I'm gonna try to get the birthday boy to go to bed early with me too. ;)


insanemommy said...

Ah, yes do take care of your man.... lol... Don't want the birthday boy to feel left out.

Missey you. Glad your back.

Ani said...

Happy birthday to K&O's papi. The 14th is my husband's bday too - he turned the big 3 - 5 :)