Thursday, September 20, 2007

Home Sick, But It's All Good

Both boys were home sick today and didn't go to school. We're confident that it is just a cold (Kyle has it worse, but they both have it), and that it is nothing serious. I was supposed to be flying out at the crack of dawn this morning, to jet off to a reputable university in a far away state where I was supposed to give a big lecture. I made the decision to cancel it last night when I saw how sick Kyle was. It was a hard decision to make. Any Career Mom out there can just imagine. But I just couldn't live with myself leaving my bambinos when they're sick. I feel so good that I made what was -- for me and my family -- the right decision. Since my whole calendar was already cleared (because I was supposed to be away on a work trip), I was able to stay home today with K & O, and it felt good to be able to stay put with my little sweetie pies. Braydon worked from home most of the day and was able to check in on them from time to time and monitor the flow of Children's Robitussin and Children's Motrin.
Here's the thing~~~ I think this is the first time, ever, that the boys have both been sick and we haven't felt like our life is falling apart. This is a big milestone for our family--- when the boys were younger it was soooo hard (anyone who has raised twins or is raising them knows what I mean). It was hard a lot, but especially when one or both of them were sick. Dealing with sick twin babies or sick twin toddlers was tough - especially trying to juggle our work while trying to care for them. But now, suddenly, somehow, we seem to be in a different place. The boys are more calm now, more self-sufficient, and more self-entertaining. Today it did not feel like all the balls we are juggling were drastically and dramatically dropping down to the ground all around us. Our house of cards did not feel like it was tumbling. Our life wasn't suddenly spiraling out of control in crisis. I'm sure for a lot of readers, this is hard to comprehend. But twin moms who are reading --- I know you know exactly what I mean. More experienced twin moms have always told me, "oh honey! hang in there! it gets easier!" But to be honest, I didn't really believe them. But, hallelujah! They were right. Hopefully tomorrow K & O will be back to school, but if they're not -- and we have a second home-sick-day (and Braydon and I have to do the crazy work-family balancing act thing for another day) -- then so be it. Bring it on! We can handle it. It's all good.


Mamato2 said...

Feel better, little men! :)

Sophie's Mom said...

Hope those handsome boys are bouncing back soon!

LaLa said...

Hope they feel better the kissing on Mommy and Daddy pics (hey, wait, did you make them sick?? LOL)

The Tall Frys & Small Frys said...

What a great milestone, though so sorry to hear your boys have been sick. I hope you are all back to school and work today. Hugs, Kristie

Anonymous said...

We've never had both really sick at the same time - usually one follows the other. Hope the boys are feeling better today and you guys stay healthy. What an awesome feeling to know you can handle it all - you handle a lot!

insanemommy said...

Heather you my dear are a super star in my book! I do know what a tough decision that had to be for you.

I've missed you.... I hope all is ok.

Cindy from central NC said...

Oh my gosh do I ever know what you mean. And I'm still in that place that when both girls get sick (which always happens...never just one....), life is just one-big-cluster-mess chaos. I tiptoe in trepidation sometimes when I see a nose start running b/c before you know it, they both have bronchitis and big-time fevers. Our house does kinda fall apart and so do I, actually. So....big congrats to you for getting past this last sickness episode with the spiraling-thing.
Having to cancel a big work-trip.!?..ooof, haven't had to do that yet but you have my empathy....even though sounds like you really did make the best decision.