Sunday, December 02, 2007

Snippets from Today

Things You Probably Shouldn't Let Your Kids Do
K & O are in love with our cat Cooper right now. They are obsessed with chasing him around the house, carrying him around the house, trying to "lasso" him (note the long ropes that K & O call "lasso's" on the floor in the photo above), giving him kitty treats, etc. Cooper plays along surprisingly well. But when he wants to get away, he gets away. One of his favorite safety spots is hiding in a basket high above the cabinets in the kitchen. When need be, he is known to jump way up high and escape from the boys... for safety... until today. We found Owen and Kyle standing on the counter, Kyle standing on his tippie toes and cheering and helping to push Owen upward, and Owen pulling himself up to eye-sight with Cooper in the basket. Poor cat.
Our Tree
We put up our tree this morning while we were still all in our pajamas. We have no particular theme to our tree or system to our approach (other than the "glass balls go exclusively at the top and out of reach of 3-year-olds rule). Note the huge clump of about 20 ornaments hanging all together on the very bottom, far right, of the tree. Thanks to Kyle for that special Christmas Tree "look." For whatever reason he simply could not help himself from placing every ornament he got his hands on in that one specific spot.
Santa Hats in Snow
We woke up to a dusting of snow this morning. Perfect for our Christmas Tree Decorating Day. Amidst the ornaments we found these two Santa hats from last year. K & O love them and wore them the rest of the morning.
Scooters in Snow
Late in the morning the boys rode their scooters in the driveway despite the snow.
Panara Hot Chocolate
We went to lunch at Panara. K & O love their broccoli cheddar soup and have each been eating the full adult sized portion since they were about 18 months old. They rip up their baguettes and stir the bread into their soup. During our lunch Owen noticed a woman at a nearby table with a huge mug full of something with a big dollop of whipped cream on top. He shouted over, "Excuse me?! Excuse me?!" The woman looked over at us. Pointing to her mug, Owen asked, "Excuse me, what do you have? What is that?" She said, "Hot Chocolate!" He said, "Ohhhh!!! Thanks!!!" Then: "Papi if I do a good job can I have that please?!" In the photo above he was about half-way through it. The boy was in heaven. At one point while slurping it up he said, "I'm the luckiest boy in the whole world! I really love hot chocolate!!!"


Mamato2 said...

Oh my God! I think I would have died from the cuteness of being asked what i was drinking and ordered a round for your table! LOL

BTW, their pyjamas are way too cute, too- make them looke sort of like they belong in a Dr. Suess book!

Anonymous said...

Good morning!
Your boys are amazing. I love how Owen can be so happy about hot chocolate!
In Germany we don't put the tree up until Dec. 24th. The first time the kids see the tree is in the late afternoon oder evening the same day with all the presents around it. (Thought I share a little german tradition.)

Ani said...

Poor cat and poor you! Those are 2 persistent kids!

Unknown said...

Love the green pj's... too cute!

That is so sweet he asked that woman about her drink.... so grown up!

RamblingMother said...

Who doesn't like hotchocolate?