Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Update on Owen's Pacis

Owen has slept the past two nights with no paci. Still we are seeing no regret or remorse re: his pacis-no-longer. Last night he opened the trash can and said, "Mommy, look, inside, that's where I put my pacis." I said "Yes! And I'm so proud of you!" He said, "But I don't see them." I said, "Papi emptied the trash, that's why you don't see them." He said, "Oh!" And ran off to play. He has mentioned a couple of times that "Baby Sister will have pacis." I wonder if she'll take a paci?! For her big brother's sake, I sure hope she does!!! ;) It seems like we may be in the paci-clear. A week ago I never would have imagined we'd be here today. Wowsers. Just another reminder that we have no idea where we'll be a week from now either.

P.S. Don't worry, I took all three of his pacis out of the trash and saved them in a secret place. Braydon asked me why I was doing that and I said, "In case of a paci emergency!" But barring any paci emergency, then we've got them for sentimental value. My guess is that Owen will get a kick out of seeing them someday down the road. At Christmas my Mom showed me my beloved "blankie" from when I was little. I used it for years and years and then finally she took it away from me when the thing became a health hazard. I had no idea she had kept it! And it was such an experience seeing it again!

1 comment:

Karen Vitek said...

I remember that blankie! And you carried it all over camp with you.