Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blogless in Pennsylvania

We're here... barely. We've been completely off-line for the past few days. Sorry to our readers that we've been MIA in the blogosphere. I hate not blogging because I feel like I'm missing out on my own processing/journaling and also because I feel like I'm leaving all these important days somehow undocumented. But late Thursday night I started coming down with a yucky bad sick thing. Very feverish with high fever all day Friday. My OB put me immediately on an antibiotic. But it was not anything related to my c-section or breast-feeding. Saturday and today I've had a terrible bad flu bug-- congested, achy all over, sore throat, headache, the whole nine yards. As if the whole newborn-nursing24x7-twinados-transition2PartyOf5-CsectionRecovery-thing wasn't enough. So here we are: Blogless (and sleepless) in Pennsylvania. Braydon and I are surviving... but barely. The boys are hanging in there o.k. (I'll put it this way: we have our high points and we have our low points), all things considered. Meera is eating like a champ (good for baby; rough for Mommy) -- but is having some trouble sleeping (rough for all parties involved). Braydon goes back to work tomorrow... which is deeply depressing on every level. So, there you have it. I'm hoping that at some point soon I'll figure out how to find time to blog. As they say, 'this too shall pass.' In the meantime... the truth is... we're struggling.


Jess said...

Ooh, I'm sorry to hear it! I wish I lived close enough to have K&O over to play.

Yes indeedy, this too will pass. And this in itself is a documentation of these days, too. I hope you feel better very soon, Heather.

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather,

Hope you can get your sitter to take the boys tomorrow, let the rest of the house go, and drink lots of fluids and try to rest! Sounds really rough, I feel for you. Hopefully it's a quickie flu bug. You need Mor Mor and Mor Far! :)

Amina & fam

Anonymous said...

And, I should have mentioned, Meera is adorable! You know I'm already smitten by the twins. :)

Amina again

Kim said...

Sorry to hear you are sick..
I had that last week also..
Hope all get better..

Heather said...

Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time. It is great to read about your family and hear you are getting through it. We've been sick with a similar bug, or so it seems. It just isn't any fun - and we haven't your family to care for! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Feel better, Heather!
Cathy's first day back at work, Graham cried for 5 hours straight, I couldn't find my glasses until 11 am, and I broke down in tears many times.
It only gets easier! You'll make it!

Mamato2 said...

Oh Mama, you're all in my thoughts!! xo

Anonymous said...

Hugs, hugs, hugs to all of you. Hang in there!! This is a HARD time and it's okay for it to be wonderful and awful (maybe mostly awful) for a while. You know that, of course, but maybe it will be encouraging to hear it from someone else!

Patricia said...

I hate living so far apart from each other. I wish I was there to do whatever you need. I hope that you feel better soon! What a horrible time to get the flu. Big hugs from me. Good luck this week with the transition. I'm thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you got sick! Do you have friends and/or relatives who can pitch in and help? Sleep deprivation is the pits.

Schwartz kids said...

I hope you feel better. Indeed, this will pass. Your loyal readers will be here waiting when you get your routine back. In the mean time I am really missing all your great thoughts.

taylorchloejake said...

I know how tough it is! When I had a newborn I had 11 month old twins that had only been home for 5 months! Hang in there. It only gets better and more manageable! It's as hard as it's ever going to get now (except for maybe the teenage years) :)

You're doing a great job. I really admire you for sticking with the breastfeeding. That was the hardest part for me!

Here's hoping you feel better and get some sleep!

Karen Vitek said...

I can feel your pain! I remember calling your Mom and crying because I didn't know how I was going to do it with one. I too was sick with a fever about 3 weeks after she was born. And like now, it was hotter than blue blazes and Victor didn't have the AC units up yet - thank goodness we have Central Air now! Hang in there and call someone when it gets unbearable to help you.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better soon! Don't worry about those of us out here ... we can wait for your updates until you are feeling up to it. However, if you want to save these moments for yourself, I suggest speaking into a tape recorder while you're nursing or chasing children or cooking or whatever. I've done that in the past, when I can't get to my laptop (I'm a writer.)
Tracy R

Anonymous said...

Drink LOTS of water. You need to stay hydrated. I also got 'flu-like' symptoms after my C-section. I got dehydrated. This may not be your problem but just wanted to encourage you to keep drinking water even when you don't feel like it. I will be praying for you. I've been there and I don't think I've ever physically felt so bad, not fun at all.

Amy said...

Bless your heart. Take it easy, get better, only do what you absolutely have to do. Let the house go, let the blogging go for now. Is there anyone who can help you out with meals, watching the boys, etc.? I hope you find comfort.

Jane said...

Heather, It's been 25 years since I had my c-section. I had only one 4 year old to care for plus a new and rather demanding newborn. I still remember how hard the first few months were. Two weeks after my second son's birth, I too ran a high fever and felt terrible. Being a rather independent person, I wanted to make it all work. My older son's preschool teacher told me to welcome any help offered with open arms. That was the best advice ever...if someone asked, "How can I help?" I opened up and began to let folks know.

A c-section is major surgery which not only takes time to heal but it takes time to wrap your head around the fact that sometimes the best laid birthing plans take a jag that is out of your control. Adding a new baby to an established family unit is also a major event. You already are way ahead of where I was at this point as you admit your struggling. Things will get better as our life begins to fall into place. You have a precious baby girl who will soon be ready to party! (Chris's mom from Peep-eye)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, take all the advise from your ardent admirers! Stay hydrated, and try to get as much rest as possible. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry you don't feel well. you know the boys are always welcome to come over and give you guys a little 'down' time. we are here if you need us!

feel better!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll be there next week Heather. I'd come earlier if you need me - you know that. But I also know you are strong and can do it yourself!