Friday, June 06, 2008

Official Announcement

Contest Results

Well, I'm not sure what to say... either way you look at it, our first ever Johnson-McCormick Family Blog Contest was a total flop. Total flop. First of all, nobody -- not one of y'all -- guessed Baby Sister's name correctly. There were 104 entries to this contest, many of which guessed multiple names. But not a single winner. Not even one. What's up with that people????????! Secondly, K & O didn't get to make a phone call. They are sorely disappointed. They love the phone. And they are very nondiscriminate about it (they're more than happy to chat -- even with the telemarketers when I have K & O answer those phone calls -- so surely they would have thoroughly enjoyed congratulating a contest winner). But alas, not one call to make. What's up with that people?????! What's up with that?! Just for the record: it was an "M" on the wooden train with the "K" and the "O" -- "M" for Meera Grace Johnson-McCormick. Better luck next time you all.


Anonymous said...

I saw that someone guessed Mira... Wasn't that close enough? It's all in the pronounciation!! :)

Jess said...

Hey, my guess included all the letters in the name Meera. Have your people call my people, and they can have an incoherent ramble together on the celly. :-)

Raina's Pack said...

We did guess "Mira" so we were close just an incorrect it wasn't a TOTAL flop...
Anyway, Meera is a beautiful name. We are particularly attached to it because Mira was the name of our foster baby last spring.

Anonymous said...

I thought someone guessed Mira..same thing isn't it?? pretty close except spelling!

Anonymous said...

Why did you think that people would be able to come up with the name Meera just because you did?

kirbmom said...

Oooooh....Next time?????

Does that mean that there are plans ahead for a 4th Johnson-McCormick???

P.S. We guessed Maura. That's fairly close. We'll take a consolation call!! My soon-to-be 4 year old loves talking on the phone. She would take a phone call from the boys any day.

Candis said...

Heeeellllloooooo... If the darned train letters had the letters M E E R A, instead of K M O, we could have figured it out eventually!
I agree with mom to 3. You guys need to have another, so we can have a do-over.

Anonymous said...

~Smiles~ I never got around to playing the naming game. Although my two kids would have loved and still would love to get a phone call from two very active kids.

With two teenagers and a hubby running around I never know which end is up half of the time. LOL and Meera Grace would have been way beyond what I would have guessed anyway. Still a lovely and beautiful name. Many, many congrats though.

Love and Hugs

Anonymous said...

I have never heard the name Meera before...I think it was harded for people to pick out a name that isn't as common as...lets say Marie or Madisen or Megan...