Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Random TidBits

Just a few minutes ago we heard Meera crying loudly on the monitor. I ran up there to see what was going on (she had gone to bed at 6:30 and had been sound asleep since then). I found her in her crib ON HER BELLY!!!!!!!!!! She had rolled over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She rolled over! I'm pretty sure she was crying because she couldn't figure out how to get back over onto her back to go back to sleep (since, after all, she has never slept in any position other than her back, ever). I rocked her back to sleep and then laid her down on her back again. But, anyhow... MEERA ROLLED OVER! Age 11 months + 1 day, Meera Grace finally rolled over! Photo below taken yesterday-- I was working in my office at home when Margie started calling to me to come in to the kitchen quick to take a picture-- Margie had never done that before. I ran in there wondering what was happening that warranted the photo op. And this is what I found (below). I wasn't sure exactly what the big deal was, but Margie was standing there, unable to contain her delight, insisting that Meera looked "absolutely adorable" in this dress and sandals (that Margie had picked out and dressed her in), and she insisted that we get photos of it. So, there she is, Little Miss Roll Over, All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go, In The Pink Dress and Sandals.

Owen and Kyle continue to be obsessed -- and I do mean obsessed -- with airplanes and baseball. It is all baseball and all airplanes all the time. And I do mean, all the time. Photo below taken a couple of mornings ago at the breakfast table (Owen drinking his morning smoothie).
Kyle and Owen are not obsessed with candy. They can take it or leave it. Don't get me wrong, Owen loves chocolate. But he's such a food snob when it comes to chocolate. Hersheys? Whatever. Godiva? Can't resist it. The Easter Bunny left mostly the Hersheys variety. And then there's Kyle... He just doesn't like candy period. The Bunny did I fabulous job (in my own opinion) of finding all sorts of cute candies of the not-chocolate-variety. Lots of tempting little Easter Basket treats sure to excite our Ky Ky. But did Kyle like any of them? No. None of them. The photo below was taken a few days after Easter. Each of the boys laid out all of their Easter candy on a plate and sorted through it all, getting a good look and taste of it. They each ate a few pieces, then the plates were quickly abandoned. The plates-of-candy then proceeded to sit on the kitchen counter for the next 12 days. Untouched. Until finally, yesterday, I dumped all of the candy in the trash. Today neither of them even noticed that they were gone. Note to Easter Bunny for 2010: No need for candy in the baskets, maybe just one Godiva chocolate bunny.
Peter and the Wolf has been big around here for quite awhile now. Braydon sits on the floor of the family room, turning the pages of the book, while the music plays along on the stereo, and the threesome sit there captivated. All three Johnson-McCormick bambinos love it.


Patricia said...

I love this post! ;)

Heza Hekele said...

The best time to dress up and take pictures is when you have no where to go! We do it all the time at this house! The best pictures are produced this way!

I understand the lack of interest in candy unless it is high quality chocolate...I've received flack for being the one member of this group my whole life!

The last picture rocks! I love how Meera is sandwiched so snuggly between her brothers.