Wednesday, February 03, 2010

1st day of Kung Fu!

There's more going on here than just a fun time, but man oh man did Kyle and Owen have a blast at their first day of Kung Fu.  A ton of running around, learning some basics for kicks, punches and blocks, and a quick lesson in discipline (not listening results in 5 push-ups - and not keeping your hands up results in a gentle tap on the head - since you missed keeping the teacher's hand away from your head). For these new Little Dragons, it was a great start.

Of course, I could get into the frighteningly deep levels of philosophy for why I've been wanting them to do this, but I won't.  Today it was just good fun, the boys like doing it as well as like it that they are doing something that Papi does and besides - they get to wear a sash!

And yes, those are butterfly sticker tattoos on their foreheads.  Not Kung Fu related in any way, just cute little butterfly tattoos for cute little butterfly loving boys, who also now do Kung Fu.  


Anonymous said...

This might be my favorite picture of them. They look like the love it. Glad they are having a fun time.

Mamato2 said...

Oh they look soooo natural, just like they always do when it involves using those amazing little bodies and minds!

Patricia said...

Papi does Kung Fu? Details please. :)

Unknown said...


My 8-year old just started Karate and he Loves it. The first extra-curricular activity that he is really excited about.

I can't wait till the little one can join in. I'm hoping the sensai (who happens to be a Black woman) can "scare" them into standing still for more than 2 seconds at a time. Only problem, they think those extra push-ups are fun :)


Unknown said...


My 8-year old just started Karate and he Loves it. The first extra-curricular activity that he is really excited about.

I can't wait till the little one can join in. I'm hoping the sensai (who happens to be a Black woman) can "scare" them into standing still for more than 2 seconds at a time. Only problem, they think those extra push-ups are fun :)


Unknown said...


My 8-year old just started Karate and he Loves it. The first extra-curricular activity that he is really excited about.

I can't wait till the little one can join in. I'm hoping the sensai (who happens to be a Black woman) can "scare" them into standing still for more than 2 seconds at a time. Only problem, they think those extra push-ups are fun :)


Robin said...

How come I can never hear "Kung Fu" without immediately hearing the "Everybody was KUNG-FU-FIGH-TING" song loud in my head? Have you played that song for them?? haahahahhhaaa