Thursday, February 04, 2010

Outside & Inside: Brother-Sister-Love

K & M Swing

O & M Tub


The Write Life said...

I'm an adoptive parent and a wannabe Haitian adoptive parent and a reader of your blog. I've read the Livesay's blog since before they moved down to Haiti.

Today I popped over to John's blog on the Heartline site (Feb. 04 "On the Front Lines") and there are some photos.

I thought the first one, the little boy on the motorcycle, looked amazingly like Kyle and Owen!

I felt I had to share...hope you don't think I'm totally nuts, but I really thought there was a strong appearance.

: )

I showed my daughter, who also reads your blog and loves reading about K and O and she was amazed, too.

Paige Winship Dooly

The Write Life said...

There are two more pictures: Feb. 01 and Jan.29th.

Screen first! I'm not sure you'd let Kyle and Owen see the pics anyway, but some of the pictures before and after are pretty harsh wound-wise.

Heather said...

Oh wow, Braydon and I just looked at the photos -- and wow there is such a strong resemblance! Amazing! Thanks for sharing that with us!