Tuesday, January 09, 2007


K&O have really taken to hide & seek. Which means that I count to ten (sitting on the stair), while they go and hide together. Then I call out "10! Here I come, ready or not, I'm going to find you!" and go find them. I go searching around and pretend to not see them, despite their giggling and squirming. When I don't see them, I look in a spot and say "Nope!" and do that until I run out of spots where they are not. Sometimes they can't stand it anylonger and say "Here I am!!!"

But when I do "find" them, we all scream like crazy men and I grab them, pick them both up and tickle them - lots of laughter all the way around.

Tonight, when it was my turn to hide, I hear "10! 'EreI come, re'ee or not! I'm uh uh ghona finooo! And then as I hear them looking for me (I was around the other side of the couch), I hear "Mama?!? Where's Papi?!?" and then... "Nope!" "Nope!"

I laughed and they found me!

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