Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New Adoptive Families Study

Today Jessica informed me of a new study being released that shows that "adoptive parents invest as much in raising children as biological parents do." (Click here for report from the American Sociological Association.) While of course many of us already knew this, the study is important because it "proves" this conclusively via empirical research. I do have to at least mention that I have quite a substantial gripe with their use of the word "natural" to describe biological parents [ummmm... as though adoptive parents are not "natural"?????], but despite that, this study is worth taking a look at!

1 comment:

Life in Fitzville said...

I find it a little sad that they have to do a study to figure this out.

And yeah... that word natural. Having both an adopted son and bio kids... I have had more than one person ask which of my kids were "natural". Once I pointed to my oldest and said "well this one's actually a droid..."