Thursday, May 03, 2007

Love Thursday: Love of Birthday

Owen Blows Out His Two Candles ~ May, 2006

Kyle Blows Out His Two Candles ~ May, 2006

In just five days Kyle and Owen will turn three. The boys' birthday is all sweet for them. For me it is bitter sweet. For the third year in a row I find myself with mixed emotions. On the one hand, I am -- of course -- beyond grateful and joyful that they were born. I feel blessed deep down in my heart. On the other hand, I can't help but think of their birthmother and what she (and K & O) went through on that day that they were born in the red-hot-heat of Cite Soleil, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I feel grief and sorrow deep down in my heart. It is a lot of emotion to hold in one heart. Still, though, I don't think that huge amount of emotion even compares to the huge amount of emotion that I see Kyle and Owen feeling right now: Their birthday party is Saturday, and the excitement is building by the hour. It is all about "candle cakes" and "balloons" and "friends" and "music"... it is, in essence, all about love. As with me, some day Kyle and Owen's birthday emotions will probably be more complicated and confusing. But right now, at age just-about-to-turn-three, it is crystal clear in their hearts and minds: their birthday is nothing but all sweet. As their mama, I can't help but go all out for their third grand birthday bash. And there is a lot to love about all of that. Happy Love Thursday everyone!


Anonymous said...

Great age, wish you a great time!

bonggamom said...

Happy birthday to your twins!

Heather said...

Happy 3rd birthday, Kyle and Owen! I expect some party pictures next week!

Patricia Dischler said...

As a birthmother, and author of "Because I Loved You" I can tell you that nothing warms the heart of a birthmother more than reading what you just shared: an adoptive parent with respect for the birthmother and limitless love for her children. That's what a birthmother prays for on that emotional day - the birthday. Happy Birthday to your beautiful boys, you're are giving them the best birthday gift of all - knowing they are loved!