Monday, August 13, 2007

Boys night out

Heather is at the ASA conference today and tomorrow. She should really be there more than that, but in the constant struggle to balance work and life, the full conference got sacrificed. So she has one night away from home.

Which means.... BOYS NIGHT OUT! Yahoo!!!! So here is what we did:

Alex finished up at 5, and we hopped in the "big red truck" and went straight to Miniature golf. This was a new one for the boys. I had planned to go to the driving range, but Kyle insisted that he wanted to go to a "New Goff Kohrs" so he could get it in the hole. As you may know, we watch golf in the morning when I get them their milk. We have been seeing Tiger Woods hit it in the cup and the boys (Kyle in particular) really really want to hit it in the hole. So - I found a miniature golf place and off we went!

They LOVED it. There were water hazards, hills, bunkers and most importantly for K &O - FLAGS! "Papi - look - anudder flag!!!"

Owen consistently overpowered the ball. Man did he just want to hit that thing. However, in an interesting twist - not only did he really work at it - I found out that he can really really aim. Many times from several feet away he would hit the cup. But because he hit it too hard, it would bounce right out.

Kyle hits it right on from a power perspective, but just like with his driving, he just doesn't look where he's hitting. Instead, he's looking all around - at the water, at the cars, at his brother, at the bird flying by. But, if he's lined up correctly, it doesn't matter - it goes right in.

After 18 holes - yes, my boys first 18 holes - I did the unthinkable. And for loyal readers out there - or anyone who has kids you'll see where this is going.... they had no nap.

So - we went to Red Robin for dinner. Just me and K & O. Awesome. Chocolate milk, Organge Juice and Killian's draft. Cheers!

Then to top it off - we went and got the car washed. What a night.

Of course, by the time we got home Owen had a total and complete melt down. Threw everything off his bed and clocked me in the head with his paci. But I should have expected nothing less.

All in all, even considering how much we miss HBJ, it was perfect night.


Mamato2 said...

Oh Papi, Papi! If there is one things Mamas respect, it's the ROUTINE and the most sacred part of that, to be reveered and blessed is the NAP!! LOL
But, sounds like a great time for you and ti gason yo! :)

insanemommy said...

Hello Braydon. You sound like you did a great job without HBJ. I know you were all missing her but it's very reassuring to hear that yes you mean can survive an evening with the kids. Tell HBJ I missed her today and for her to check in when she has a moment. She must come with us the next time we have a twin fest! Plus we need some boys in the mix....