Sunday, August 12, 2007

Owen, Our Rebel Child

Owen, Our Rebel Child,
Oh how you make my blood boil,
my heart race,
my spirits soar.
In a bright flash you bring me to tears with frustration,
to my knees with laughter,
and back again.
Most young mothers might fret at the thought of it:
clever, mighty, quick-witted Rebel Child
But not me.
I adore you.
My beautiful Rebel Child Dream come true.


KJ Family said...

I LOVE these poems. They really touched me because, even though my boys aren't twins, they have opposite personalities much like you describe of your boys. I could never put my feelings into words... so thank you for doing that.

Dawn said...

You are raising strong, passionate children and I have no doubt they will impact their world.

Your rebel child will lead the nations, and your lover boy will bring healing to them.


Andromeda Jazmon said...

I love these poems. You have really captured their unique personalities. I am getting to know them better the more you write about them individually. They are so beautiful! I adore your photographer's eye.

insanemommy said...

Good golly is this my Abbey! She is defiant and strong willed as they come. Not afraid of a thing. You talk about blood boil....I so get it...but damn do I love her.

Mamato2 said...

Beautiful. Funny how just a few words can capture each's spirit so wonderfully! You're talented, Mama! :)

Rob and Mandy Brelsford said...

I too loved your poems, what a celebration of spirit!
~Mandy :)