Monday, September 10, 2007

A Love Hate Relationship with Gum

Late this summer I announced to K & O that "now that they're THREE!!!" they can "have gum!!!" It was a big huge deal to them. They were very excited. They'd tell me over and over and over: "'Ittle babies can't have gum! No! 2-year-'solds can't have gum! No no! Ony FHREE-year-'solds can have gum! Yes!"

For one, gum became a quick fix for every worldly (and bodily) problem. Feeling cranky? Gum will fix it! On the floor in a terrible tantrum? The mere mention of gum snaps him right out! Got a boo-boo? Gum cures all (including, we've learned from experience, bloody scraped knees and 'owies in the belly'). Gum has become a daily obsession: "Can I have gum? Very, very very, very please can I please have gum?"
For the other, gum became a quick downer. As soon as he realized that gum is not to be swallowed the thrill was gone. The illusion was smashed. You can't eat it???? What the heck? Then why on earth would anyone bother with it? He seems to think the rest of us gum-chewers are off-our-rockers. He raises his nose in the air at the mere mention of gum. He tried it once. That was enough for him. Now, when gum is mentioned, he simply says, "No thank you." Then quickly: "Can I have fruit snacks?"

Owen loves gum. He can't seem to get enough of it.
Kyle hates gum. He can't seem to get why anyone would want to chew it.


insanemommy said...

Only one word here. BRAVE WOMAN! I wasn't planning on introducing the gum thing ummmmm, until, ummmm 16!!! Lol. I just introduced them to play doh.

LaLa said...

I used to be orthodonist hated it when I had braces. I am definitely like Kyle now...I can't stand the way it looks being chomped on and the sound makes me nuts!

Sophie's Mom said...

Sophia has been having gum since she was two (shhhh don't tell the boys!) and she does well with it. Loves it. Asks for it all the time. She is allowed only one piece per day of sugar free. Too funny, how big a deal gum is around here, too!

Kristina said...

Ahhhh the gum thing. My youngest begs for it all the time. I try to be discreet when getting a piece out of my purse but it is like a internal radar goes off and she asks for a piece too. the problem is if I give her one then I have 4 more hands holding out to get theirs. And that wipes out my pack of gum most times. So now I am a gum horder and tell them all NO. LOL

I know Jonas loves gum. When visitors come to the O they bring gum.

happy mom said...

My three year old loves gum, and altoids! How cute, that K and O have such different opinions on gum.