Sunday, September 09, 2007

A lovely day

Lovely combined with active, fun, nutty and the other normal modifiers of our life.

Went to the bookstore, got some important books including, of all the crazy things: Little Einstein's "June's New Shoes". This was Kyle's selection, although it seems that Owen is the one with some kind of June infatuation (note, June is one of the characters, not the month). Also went and got a new trash can for recycling - just recycling Matt and Stacey's idea - love it. We're also now composting - which we're dropping off weekly at River Valley Waldorf School - love it.

Dropped HBJ off at the grocery store and K, O and I went for some much needed stone throwing in the river. Overheard:

O: "Kyle, watch this BIIIIIIIIIIG SPLASH! Do you see it Kyle?"
K: "Yes Owen, I see it, it's a BIIIIIIIIIG SPLASH OWEN!"
K: "Owen, watch mine skip. You see it skip Owen, you see it?"
O: "Yes I did see it skip, yes I did!"

Note: in both cases, there was neither a big splash nor a skip. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Speaking of.... We had never been down to this particular river and when we went, I thought we had entered another land - lost in some fin de sic era before cars took hold. Since I didn't have my camera, I whipped out my cell phone to photograph this time before digitization with two cutie pies throwing rocks.

Needless to say, they loved it and there was no problem burning 40 minutes while HBJ shopped. Then we went and tried to do doughnuts in the parking lot behind the grocery store before HBJ came out. Note: you can't really do doughnuts in a 4x4 on dry pavement, but our 3 year olds sure thought it was fun to try.


insanemommy said...

You always manage to capture the perfect reflection of your boys. They are so inquisitive and smart!

Kristina said...

Great cell phone camera!

This is such a great thing to do. I'm gonna borrow it and take the girls.

happy mom said...

Love the pictures, and they are so sweet.

the the Sat too with the marching band how cute. your days are full, and sound so fun!

what cute boys.