Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Note About "A Baby Brother or A Baby Sister"

Many people have been emailing me about our posts from a couple days ago (December 10). Just for the record: this desire, on K & O's parts, for "a baby brother or a baby sister" is not new. We've known that they have wanted a baby sibling since they could express themselves. In fact, before they could even talk we could see it coming. From my recollection it started at around 14-16 months old... at that point they were in the "Baby Room" at the Lehigh University Daycare Center. Babies from age 6 weeks to around 18 months were in there together. K & O (but Owen especially) adored the tiny babies. He'd spend huge portions of his time at daycare just gazing at them and trying to play with them and help take care of them. The Baby Room Teachers started telling us as early as then that we "better watch out!" because K & O were "going to be asking for a baby brother or a baby sister as soon as they could talk!" I used to laugh it off. "Oh, they just love babies, I know! But this is it for us! We have our hands full!!!" The older wiser teachers would just tilt their heads and roll their eyes at me, "We'll see about that" they would say. "Just wait. These boys are going to be begging you as soon as they are verbal. You're going to have to have another." I have to admit, in my mind I was thinking "Yeah, whatever." But they were right on. As soon as K & O could talk well enough to express it, sure enough, it started. The pressure was on. K & O (Owen especially) have been asking for "a baby brother or a baby sister" since then. I don't know how often I have actually recorded it on this blog (and I don't have time to really go through the posts to search it), but here are just a few examples from around one year ago of posts where it is mentioned:
December 14, 2006 (click here)
December 27, 2006 (click here)
January 21, 2007 (click here)

1 comment:

insanemommy said...

Children know what they want......