Wednesday, December 12, 2007

On Believing

Kyle Looks Out the Playroom Window
yes, we have a huge blow up thing on the lawn. never in a million years would I ever have thought we'd have a huge blow up thing on our lawn. but the boys rarely ask for anything -- extraordinarily rarely. maybe five times (combined) in their entire lives have they ever asked for something in a store, ever. and they so deeply wanted a "blow up" on our lawn that we couldn't help ourselves and we finally caved in. "we only live once" we reasoned. "and who the heck really cares?" we thought. "if it is so important to them, then let's just do it." i called my mother for moral support. she told me that we "had to do it" and that she'd be "mad" at us "if we didn't do it." that was all we needed. we were at the store the next day with K & O to pick it out. and we're so glad we did. it was one of the best purchases we have ever made. the boys LOVE it. they look at it a hundred times a day. and now, according to K & O, "we have a Hallelujah House!"

* * *

I've been pondering a post I've been wanting to write about believing, and about the magic of Christmas. But then I came across a post that already said everything I wanted to say. I love this blogger and this might be my favorite post from her yet. CLICK HERE to read it.


insanemommy said...

Ahhh Heather. I thought this was the year I was going to decorate like the Grizwald's. But, unfortunately (fh say fortunately) for us the girls don't seem to notice all that goes on yet. I know next year is going to be simply wild!!!!

Hope your holidays are filled with tons of laughter and love.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you read DaMomma (Motherhood Isn't for Wimps)! She's one of my favorites too. She has a post up now about Christmas song lyrics-- so funny!

We don't have any outdoor Christmas decorations, but the boys love the indoor ones. If your kids were asking for one, then getting the "blow up" was totally the right thing to do! Plus, you have a Hallelujah House! What could be better?!


Chatter said...

Hi! Just found your blog (it was linked on Peepeye.blogspot) and I absolutely love it!! Your boys are sooo precious. I would love to add you to my daily reads if that is alright. Thank you!


Jess said...

Oh, alRIGHT. That link brought tears to the eyes of this Scrooge.