Monday, June 29, 2009

F-S Family Visits for a Double Twin Weekend

All I keep thinking is, "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold." If truth be told I do think some of my newer-found friends are pure gold. But it is also true, for sure, that old friends are something in their own league. There's just nothing like it. Ben and I go way back to the start of grad school. Together we've been through coursework and research assistantships and dissertations and job markets and tenure track jobs and tenure and now the-good-life-post-tenure (and all that goes with it). And along the way we've also been through "real life" too -- dating and engagements and weddings and marriage and babies (and all that goes with it). Amazingly, we find that here we both are with twins. So now we have that in common too. It is special to have twin family friends... especially ones you were friends with even pre-twins. It makes for a good weekend. They came up from Delaware and we had a great time. Making it extra super special was the fact that this was Anna and Robin's first time swimming!!! Kyle and Owen loved having another set of twins around. And Meera was thrilled with her new friends! Even more excitement around here with two sets of twins running us ragged! It was intense, but really good. The photo above is of the double twins in the baby pool. And here's Meera strutting her stuff after a long afternoon nap:
And here's the very large pitcher of sangria that we drank down after we got all five kiddos to bed:

1 comment:

MorMor said...

What fun!
Sun, beautiful sun. The weather has been so rainy in New Hampshire I am anxious to see the sun.