Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Celebrating Our Adoption Day: Photos of Our First Week

Our first week together, in Haiti. The first two photos were taken by Braydon just minutes after arriving at the hotel from the orphanage -- within the first hour of having the boys. Looking at these photos now it feels deeply significant that K & O are still wearing the "dress up" clothes they had been dressed in for our arrival at the orphanage.

We did not carry our camera with us while we were out and about each day in Port Au Prince. These few photos were taken in our hotel room:

In the airport, bound for Miami:

The view of the "suburbs" of Port, from our hotel room:
The boys, coming alive:

An AP photographer from Britian, also staying at the hotel, took our first family photo for us. We used it for our Adoption Announcement, and it hangs in the hallway of our house now. I remember that even though we had only had the boys for a few days, we already felt like a deeply connected family:

1 comment:

Bek said...

So great!! I love the ones with the warm light. Very special pictures.