Thursday, March 08, 2007

Love Thursday

Mama Braiding Son's Hair, September 2005

Sometimes the saying is true: "A picture says a thousand words." For me, this is very much the case with this photo. You have to look closely to see all the details, and the photo is slightly out of focus, but the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So far in my two years of motherhood I have found nothing more mothering-intimate, and nothing more hands-on-loving, than the "doing" of my sons' hair. For me this photo evokes so much that can't really be articulated -- about our story, about our bond, about our transcendance together, and about a simple act of love that, if done regularly enough, has the power to be a profound mother-child ritual. Happy Love Thursday everyone!


Anonymous said...

Very true! I have thought the same thing myself, while spending 4+ hours on each daughter's head. Happy Love Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's wonderful!

bonggamom said...

Wow, that does require patience on your part and on your son's part! But how nice to be able to keep him close to you for so long :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Wow, the kind of love I'm looking forward to!

Happy LT.