Friday, March 23, 2007

Top Ten: Warped Mindset Reprise - "Do They Make...?"

A few weeks ago I wrote a post called "The Warped Mindset of a Mama of Twin Two-Year-Old Whippersnappers" (click here to read that post). In it I confessed some not-so-flattering things that had recently gone through my mind. Several people have told me that they are still laughing about this post-- especially #10 ("Do they make those dog 'Invisible Fence' things for children???") The funniest thing about #10, for me, is that I actually have thoughts like that a lot -- thoughts that start with "Do they make..."

So, on this dreary rainy Friday afternoon, as the academic year is really starting to take its toll on us, and we're all ready for a vacation (even though we still have many weeks to go before we'll get one), here's another Heather confessional.

My Top Ten "Do They Make..." Questions (True Deep Thoughts From the Past Few Weeks):

  1. "Do they make plastic light bulbs?"
  2. "Do they make childproofed car keys?"
  3. "Do they make very large (like, maybe 1 foot x 1 foot) sponges?"
  4. "Do they make child gates that cover the full height and width of door openings?"
  5. "Do they make steel window screens?"
  6. "Do they make toilet pee pee guards that can be installed to block off the entire rest of the bathroom?"
  7. "Do they make those installable-dog-cat-in-out-door-flap-things large enough for a small child to fit through?"
  8. "Do they make waterproof telephones?"
  9. "Do they make a 'Twin' version of the 'Diaper Genie'?"
  10. "Do they make something to muffle the sound of a djembe drum? If so, where can I purchase two of them?"

1 comment:

Life in Fitzville said...

They actually do make a few of those things! But what I really wanted to tell you is that to muffle the dejembe, put some clothes inside it. I speak from experience :)