I'd re-do the boys' hair every 2-6 weeks. In between "styles" we'd leave the hair out and the boys had the cutest little afros you ever did see! But their hair is super kinky, super nappy, super tight. It matts up instantly. If we left it out, it would be napped up within a couple hours. So I kept it braided up or twisted up almost always. Everybody's favorite "look" was when I'd do the boys' hair in twists. The boys just looked so cute in them! And I loved the "carefree" and "loose" look of them on the boys. Their first birthday came and went. And I could not even bear to think about cutting their hair. But the boys were getting older and more active and sitting still for hours on end every couple weeks was starting to get real old real fast. So, I started thinking seriously about dreadlocks.
Locs are a big deal. They are permanent. Once you do it, the only way to take them out is to shave the head. Locs involve a lot of work and maintenance. It is a huge commitment. But I loved the idea of dreds for so many reasons. My biggest hesitation was that there are people who think you should not do locs on kids since it is making a permanent decision about their identity for them. I struggled with it and thought about it and talked with a lot of people about it. In the end, my logic went something like this... I want my boys to have natural hair, but I don't want to shave it; I want my boys to embrace their 'black is beautiful roots' (so to speak) and be proud of their gorgeous nappy black hair, but I don't want to make their life miserable for many hours every couple weeks just for the sake of "beauty"; I love the look of locs... and I love what they can represent (such as pride, embracing blackness, confident identity)... and while yes, of course my boys are too young to make this choice for themselves, as parents we all make all sorts of decisions for our children all the time that reflect our own values/politics/identities. We put our own 'stuff' on our kids all the time. It is unavoidable. And, I figured that down the road, if the boys decided to, they can shave their heads and have short hair. Once I started to get really serious about the idea of potentially locking their hair I talked a lot about it with one of my best friends from college, Roxann, who has gorgeous tremendously long locs. She strongly supported me and thought I should go for it. That was just exactly the support I needed. And I decided we were going to loc up the boyz' hair. It is one of the best parenting decisions we could have made.
Here are the top ten questions I receive, and my answers to them:
1) Who does their hair?
Their mama does!
2) How long have they had locs? / How old were they when they started with locs?
We started Kyle and Owen's dreadlocks on January 7, 2006. They were exactly 20 months old.
3) Who started their locs? Do you have a loctician?
I started their locs. We've never used a loctician.
4) How did you start their locs?
This is a big project and you need to do a lot of research on this! It would take me a long time to try to explain and/or "teach" someone how to do locs. There are lots and lots of different techniques that people use. But basically, we started with twists and just kept twisting. I started with a free-form look (not perfectly spaced, not all the same size, not too tiny twists) because Kyle and Owen are real "boys' boys" and we did not want the look of their locs to be too "formal" or too "feminine" looking.
5) How do you maintain their locs?
To maintain dreadlocs you have to keep twisting and re-twisting them. About a month or two after starting their locs, I convinced Braydon to help me and taught him to re-twist. :) Yes! My husband is awesome! He may be the only white dad in America who maintains his twin toddler black boyz' locs! :) For the first year we re-twised every week or two. In January of this year, after a full year, we started to go a bit longer- we're now re-twisting every 3-4 weeks or so. Re-twisting locks (for us, at least) involves washing the hair, and then while it is still wet, using a pomade or wax or moisturizer of some sort and twisting up the hair to the scalp with it. Then we use hair pins to hold the twists tight. Once the whole head is re-twisted we use a hair dryer to dry the hair. Then take the clips out. Ta-da! Hair done! From start-to-finish this process (not including the bath) takes about 45-60 minutes per child. Braydon and I do it together -- always on a Sunday night. We each take a kid (we trade off each time because I do a better job of re-twisting, so I rotate between each kid each time). We sit on the floor and the boys eat and watch videos while we re-twist. It has become a major family bonding time for us. We have all four come to actually really like this time together "doing hair."
6) How do you get them to sit still while you do their hair?
Videos, food, lollipops, whatever it takes!!!!!!!! But the truth is that they've been having their hair done forever, so they don't know any different. And they are really pretty good about it!
7) What hair products do you use for their locs? (note: see "P.S." at the bottom of this post)
I started their dreadlocks with Murray's 100% Pure Australian Beeswax (note: see *** at bottom of post re: beeswax), and then we re-twisted every week or two with that for the first year. Beginning this past January (a full year after the start of their dreds) we began using BB Maximum Strength Super Gro Conditioner with Vitamin E to re-twist. In addition, every day we put Motions At Home Oil Sheen & Conditioning Hair Spray (the boys' favorite - they love it because it is a big bright yellow aerosol can and they love the spraying!!), or Kemi-Oyl (my favorite because it is an incredibly incredibly awesome product; I consider it to be "liquid gold"!) in their hair.
8) What other products do you use for their hair and skin?
I have tried tons and tons of products! Seriously, so many!!!! Here I am listing my absolute tried-and-true favorites...
Pre-Locs: Originally, before we started the dreds our goal was to get their hair as healthy as possible. Our favorite rinse out conditioner (in bath, after shampoo) was Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings Conditioner. The best leave-in-conditioner I found for them was Pink Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion. An airline attendant told me about it once on a plane - she said it was all that she used and all she ever used on her own daughter and it is "the best!" I tried it and instantly fell in love with it (after trying just about every other oil moisturizer out there!!!) We used Pink daily when their hair was "out" (i.e., in a 'fro). For doing twists (before we started the dreds) my favorite product was Organic Root Stimulator Natural Hair Care Lock & Twist Gel Pre-Mixed Creme Formula. Our absolute favorite product was Just For Me Foaming Braid Release -- it worked miracles in helping us with the huge project of taking their braids out!!!
Bath: Kyle and Owen love the bath. In addition to lots of bubble bath liquid (of course!!), to their bath water we add either Ginseng Miracle Wonder 8 Oil or Booth's Shea Butter Cream Bath. We're not picky about soaps and use whatever is around.
Shampoo: Absolute best of the best (in my opinion!!!) -- Creme of Nature Professional Detangling & Conditioning Shampoo Extra Body Formula. This is all we use now. We are currently washing their hair about once per week.
Skin: Aquaphor Original Ointment on their faces and hands every single night; Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Cream or Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Lotion or Proclaim Cocoa & Shea Butter Lotion all over their bodies every couple of days.
Other: We are dedicated with serious humidifiers in the boys' rooms that run every night.
9) Where do you buy all of these products?
I buy these at either Sally Beauty Supply, Eckerd Drugstore, or our regular grocery store pharmacy section. In all of these places they have pretty good "black hair and skin care products" sections (at least where we live).
10) How did you learn to do all this? Why did you decide to do locs? Do you have any regrets?
I learned from reading everything I could get my hands on (the internet was super helpful), and talking to everybody I possibly could. I learned that once you start talking openly with black people about black hair and black hair products you can talk for hours and hours and hours about it. I decided to do locs because I didn't want to cut their hair and I like what dreadlocks represent. I don't have any regrets. It was really hard last summer because we have a swimming pool and the boys were in it everyday -- the chlorine is just HORRIBLE for their hair. That, plus the constant swimming, made keeping up with their locs an incredibly difficult challenge. There were times this past summer that their hair looked so bad that I was embarrassed for people to see it! But the flip side is that they had a great summer swimming in the pool! I seriously considered cutting it then, but we got through that, and I'm hoping that this summer is a little bit better since their locs are so much more dreaded up now. I'm so glad we have done dreads and I now truly cannot imagine Kyle or Owen with any other "look." It has become so much a part of who they are.
EXTRA) One of my favorite parts about my boys' dreadlocks is that their hair has never been cut and their life is in their locs ~~~ The tips of their locs are Haiti. Their birthmom touched that hair. The women in the orphanage braided that hair that is now napped up in the ends of those locs. About an inch up their locs is their coming home. In those locs is where we held them in our arms for the first time, and brought them from the heat of Haiti to the depths of a Pennsylvania winter. Their adoption is in there, our attachment, all of our time together, the good and the bad, every vacation and every sick day -- it is all in their locs. The thick parts of their locs, close to their scalp, that's their new growth - literally, and figuratively. I know it is hard for people who don't understand locs, but for those who do----- well, they just get it. I'll never have locs myself, but I'm glad I "get it" a little bit.
*** re: beeswax --- I would really strongly
not recommend using beeswax to start or maintain locs (too heavy/sticky and thus stuff gets caught in/on the locs). However... if you're starting dreadlocks on a
very young child (remember, we started K & O's locs when they were just 20 months old)... then, in my own experience, you really don't have a choice but to use beeswax. It is the only thing strong/heavy enough to hold up to the wear and tear of baby boys' crazy lifestyle. K & O have always been extremely active and physical. They don't care about keeping their hair pretty. They roll around on the lawn and in the sandbox, they splash like nuts in the bathtub, they wrestle each other like there is no tomorrow, and... when they were 20 months old (all the way up until they were about 2.5) they had a very bad habit of pulling each other's hair/dreds as a way to lash out with anger/frustration. They also have always loved to touch their own hair and each other's hair. Also, Kyle and Owen always refused to wear any kind of wrap/cap over their hair at night-- so we were/are dealing with them sleeping with their hair freestyle. And, since they are such huge swimmers in the summer, and we have a swimming pool, and we don't force them to wear swim caps, we're also dealing with swimming freestyle. All of these things are not conducive to starting dreadlocs. And it is nearly impossible to get a 2 year old (at least our two two year olds) to be careful of their hair, not pull out their locs, not rub their head on the back of their carseat (or high chair, or pillow, or the carpet when they're wrestling), etc., etc., etc. So...
don't use beeswax if you have a choice. But for us, it was really the only choice. If I was doing it all over again, and on much older kids, I'd choose to start locs with either
Carol's Daughter Loc Butter (
click here), or
Aveda Humectant Pomade (
click here). We're using the
Loc Butter now and we love it (see P.S. below), and I've heard wonderful things about the
Aveda Pomade for dreds.
P.S. to this post --- As of summer 2007 we started using a whole new line of products for K & O's hair... we bit the bullet and started using the seriously expensive kinds of stuff. And, sad but true: as with most things, you get what you pay for. We're now full converts to Carol's Daughter and Aveda. Carol's Daughter (click here) products are our ***PANACEA***!!! Liquid (or lotion or oil) GOLD!!!!!!! Try it, you'll like it!!! We've tried many, many of the Carol's Daughter products and have loved them all. We mail-order them from online. Also, as of summer 2007, to shampoo and condition K & O's hair we're using Aveda Rosemary Mint Shampoo (click here), and Aveda Damage Remedy Intensive Restructuring Treatment (click here). We have a salon nearby that sells the full line of Aveda products, so we buy them there. But you can also purchase Aveda online. For a related blog post, click here. --------------------------------------
UPDATE as of November, 2007:
Our current hair-skin-care regiment goes something like this~~~
- Shampoo & condition about once per week using Aveda Rosemary Mint Shampoo (click here), and Aveda Damage Remedy Intensive Restructuring Treatment (click here). [Even if the boys have more baths we normally only wash their hair at most once per week.]
- Carol's Daughter Some of Marguerite's Magic Cream Hairdress (click here) on damp hair after bath (even if hair has not been washed during that bath).
- Carol's Daughter Khoret Amen Hair Oil (click here) every 2-3 nights, on dry hair, before bed [this is especially important for Owen, whose hair has always been much more dry and brittle than Kyle's].
- Each morning before starting their day, we either spray on Carol's Daughter Tui Jojoba & Shea Butter Hair Sheen (click here), or smooth on Carol's Daughter Hair Balm (click here) to K & O's locs.
- As of now (fall, 2007) we can confidently say that both boys' hair is finally fully 100% dredded [Owen's hair, just because of its texture, took quite a bit longer to fully loc up]. Because their hair is completely dredded now, we are currently only fully re-twisting about once every 6-8 weeks or so at most. We sometimes do a little "touch up twisting" in-between just to polish up their locs (maybe only once ever 2-3 weeks or so). For real re-twisting and for our "touch ups" we use Carol's Daughter Loc Butter (click here).
- Skin--- after each bath K & O get lathered up, heavy duty, with Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Body Oil (click here). We also sometimes use Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Creme (click here) between baths. We use Eucerin Aquaphor Healing Ointment (click here) every single night, without fail, on faces and hands before bed.
*** November 23, 2007 we finally trimmed the boys' hair for the very first time. Click here for post about that.
*** December 7, 2008 we trimmed the boys' hair for the second time. Click here for post about that.
As of spring 2009~~ Re: hair -- At this point we're using Aveda shampoos and conditioners for washing and conditioning. We wash and condition 1 time per week (maybe 2, at the most, and only if necessary). We're using only Carol's Daughter products for loc care... one of the hair oils (like Khoret Amen Hair Oil) after washing and conditioning; the spray on Tui Jojoba & Shea Butter Hair Sheen almost every morning; and the Loc Butter for re-twisting/loc maintenance (which we're doing about once every 2-3 months at this point). Re: skin -- still exactly the same as 'November 2007' above.
*** August 23, 2009 we trimmed the boys' hair for the third time. Click here.
Thanks for sharing so much about the boys locs. My now 10yo AA son has had locs for ~3.5 years. He also has super curly, kinky, nappy hair. He went through the long on top, nothing in the back stage, then he spent a long time with a little afro that we would cut real close when he got tired of picking, combing and maintaining it. He talked about having it braided, but he didn't want the close cornrows, he really wanted long hair that he can do something with. He has skinny locs on the top and sides, witht the lower part of his head shaved. His locs are now about shoulder-length, so he is able to wear them down, or tie them back. He loves his hair and has no intention of cutting it. He seems to also really have a connection with other people he meets who have locs (almost always adults). I've been curious about your routine with your boys and what products you use for them; it's always nice to hear about new things. We have used and liked the BB Super Gro. Right now we've been using the Carol's Daughter Loc Butter and KnottyBoy Coconutty Spray On Leave In Conditioner which we are also happy with. Thanks again for sharing so much of your lives. Enjoy those boys!
Hello Anonymous! Where do you live? I'd love for our boys to meet your son! It is so hard to find other boys (especially under age 16 or so!) with locs!!!!!! And yes, our boys share a special connection (even at age 2!) with people - yes, usually adults - who have dreadlocks. It is really amazing to see that in action. Anyway-- It seems like lately every time I turn around I'm hearing about Carol's Daughter products!! I really want to try the Loc Butter-- but haven't been able to find it -- where do you buy it??
Thanks for sharing this! I just started my sons locs, though his head is shaved around, and we are just doing the top. With the shape of his face, and his age(10) this just works well for him. I have started the same way you have, with un-uniform twists. I am so happy to get a good idea of how to do the maintenance end of things. It's amazing how many people have been asking "who did his hair" or "where did you take him?".. and how proud I am to tell them I did it myself. I too, love that bonding time that doing his hair gives us.
Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! THAT was what I was looking for! I want Jack to be proud of being a black child and someday man, and I love all that locs stand for. I've been reading everything I can get my hands on and learning all I can before he comes home. I'm printing off this entire post so that I can start looking for these products.
Jack has had his head shaved in Haiti so far, but I had to say that your story about Kyle and Owen's history BEING their hair made me tear up. Beautiful.
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.
Waiting on Jack....
It's me again :) We live in Rhode Island. I have been ordering the Loc Butter and the Knotty Boy stuff on-line from their respective websites. I just found a store in Providence that carries some of the Carol's Daughter products. There is a link on the website that shows stores in different areas, but it doesn't tell you what products they carry.
We also have 7 & 5 yo biracial boys with looser curly hair. One likes his hair short,short, short. The other likes to let it grow long, wild and curly. I'm sure all of the boys would have a great time together. Feel free to get in touch if you are going to be in New England. Our email is dusobrown@aol.com. Thanks, Julie
PLEASE use the word "kinky" instead of "nappy". It's a better/more appropriate word to use. You are doing a wonderful job with thier hair! Keep up the great work! Carol's Daughter has a great line of ALL natural hair care products. This way the boys won't have a lot of build up in thier hair. Please stay away from any products that have alcohol, petroleum, or mineral oil in them. This causes severe dryness and buildup in thier locs which can lead to possible bugs, lice,breakage etc. in thier locs. Check out carolsdaughter.com. ALL of thier products are great for kids and adults and are not as severe on thier scalp. Good luck!!!
Hi Heather my name is Erin and I am a Mom of 3 and a Foster mom of 5 and one of my boy's is black and Indian and I have no idea how to do his hair! he has soft as silk hair and I would love to know how to do black hair styles. Can you give me some tips? I need help!
I stumbled upon your blog of the boys and your family experience and I am just moved. Thank you for loving them that much to give the extra thought of the importance and significance of their hair. I am a loc'd black mother of five children, 1 black and 4 biracial. My older children who are in their teens are having a hard time dealing with the nappiness of my hair since I started locin....and yes, I said nappy. I find nothing wrong with the word, so to each his own.....anyway, I have been comtemplating locing my 5 year old biracial daughters hair. Her hair is beautiful and not on the straight side. Her hair is like your boys in that she would loc if I just let her go for a day without using a comb. I unfortunately don't think that I will be allowed to loc her hair since everyone in my home is against it. So, I commend you and your husbands decision. There are great lessons in their locs. How they will view themselves and others will come from their loc journey.
Also, your comment about their life is in the locs is so true, that was beautiful and I do get it.
Just found your blog via Mayhem and Magic -- thanks for the detailed hair info! Mostly I've read about girls' hair, which can be helpful, but it's refreshing to read about and see boys' hair. Our guys have looser curls, but they want their hair to get "bigger," so I have to work on detangling, conditioning, etc. I may show them pics of your guys to see if they want locs -- I kind of hope they do, but we'll see...
I am so glad you have done more research and started using better, more natural products on your babies hair. Some of the so called "black"
hair products, especially the cheap ones are just full of mineral oil or petroleum.
When I saw you were gushing about the "Pink Oil" which is one of those cheap products a lot of people just reach for because a lot of people who don't know any better us it ( it is nothing but mineral oil and way too greasy.) I was thinking this Mom needs some better advice!
You can find excellent tp of the line products for ethnic hair at
They might be a bit more expensive but you are right you get what you pay for!
Hey-- as much as I love Carol's Daughter I still don't knock Pink Oil, etc... many people can't even consider trying to afford the organic/'natural' products-- Stuff like Carol's Daughter is just awesome, but it is waaaaay beyond the reach ($$$) of many, many, many black families. I resisted buying the stuff for a long time simply out of principal! And Pink Oil worked just great for us when K & O had short little soft baby hair. It is true for sure: you get what you pay for-- but I try to remember that it isn't always a simple "choice" for everyone.
Kudos to you for caring enough about your kids' well-being to learn how to style their hair, and for being humble (smart) enough to know that doesn't make you the Queen of Black Hair. :D Best wishes to you and your lovely family.
I am in love with the way you just LOVE your sons... I'm reading your blog and fighting to hold back tears b/c with every word, I can literally feel LOVE permeating through this computer screen. Your whole family is absolutely beautiful! It is SO important for black children to be told the truth about their hair... that it is unique and beautiful! You have chosen to instill this starting at a very young age and I commend you!
I wish you and your family the best and all the love your hearts can hold! :)
PS. Kemi Oyl IS Liquid Gold!!! I can't live without it. I haven't gotten around to trying Carol's Daughter yet. I always look at it when I stop by Sephora's but I never buy. I love Kemi too much to switch just yet!:)
Thanks for the link to this! Very great post. As I child I remember how my own mother just struggled to keep my hair pressed and relaxed withall the swimming and what not.I admit I'm lazy with my hair( slicked back in bun)because I dont have the energy or dedication. My hats off to you and I now see a deeper more meaningful reason to the locs. Beautiful.
I'm an african-american mom and I want to thank you for taking the time to learn the correct way to care for your boys hair. As you can see it is really time consuming and expensive to properly take care of our hair. I have recently locked my hair and I'm thinking aboute doing the same for my daughter.
Your boys are great and soooo cute. Take care...
I,m just in love with your beautiful children! I stumbled across this site while trying to find a way to twist my sons hair. I,m a New Zealander and their father is African American. We dont have many products for black hair here so I,m going to get my friend to send some over from the US. Keep up the good work, you are a fantastic mummy.(or mommy should i say!)
Don't feel in any way guilty about loving those babies as only a mother can...but please stop spelling boys with a "z". They're Haitian. The "z" in boys is American Hip Hop culture. You don't have to "talk black" to be the loving mother of three gorgeous childen (that happens to include two black boys). Thank you for all the helpful information.
As a Haitian Mother I am very happy you took the time to eductate yourself on how to maintain your boys' hair. I am also glad you decided to share your experience and helpt other parents in the same situation.
You mention that at one point the boys were bald in the back of their heads. I wanted to let you and the readers know that is very common for black babies. My son had a completely bald from ear to ear. The cause for that is that the head is expanding and the hair is not.
I'm sure through your research you learned some new "terminology", but I wanted to reinforce that most black people prefer the terms "coarse" or "kinky" rather than "nappy". I personally take it as an insult. I know they mean the same thing, but think of it this way, which phrase would you prefer "short" or "petite", "fair" or "pasty", slim or skinny. I'm sure your get the idea.
Keep up the good work, and best wishes to you and your family.
Just posted a long comment & not sure if it got lost. Asking for which websites were most helpful in getting started learning about how to do your sons' locs yourself.
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