Thursday, December 06, 2007

Slice of Life

Braydon works from home most days these days. I'm at my Lehigh office and/or on campus a lot (except for Wednesday and Friday afternoons when I pick the boys up from pre-school at 1:00 and spend the rest of the day with them at home). On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays Alex picks up the boys from school. Sometimes she takes them on outings or errands, other days she brings them straight home to play there. I always email Braydon during the "Alex Afternoons" to check in and find out what is going at home, how the boys are doing, etc. Braydon's responses to my emails -- from his desk at his home office, to me at my desk at my campus office -- always paint me a good little snippet of a picture of what's up with my boyz and what's happening on the homefront. This is the email I just received from Braydon, 1:40 pm, 12/6/07 [note: the other night I internet-ordered one of the boys' Christmas presents-- a double-seater glider swing for the swingset]:

Things here are good. At 1:20 I got a call from Alex: "I just pulled up outside, there is a big box in the garage that I think is a Christmas present. I am getting them out very very slowly if you want to come grab it." So I went out and brought in the swing! It's in your office. Kyle doesn't miss a trick however - I heard him say to Alex, "can I talk to Papi for a minute?" he comes in and says "Papi, I saw a big box, I can open it?" :) They are playing in the basement with the cars now...

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