Wednesday, April 09, 2008

5 Weeks and Counting

It is hard to believe that only 2 weeks have passed since the last installment in the Baby Bump Series... in just 2 short weeks I've gone from feeling like this belly/body is very manageable to feeling like this belly/body is verging on totally unmanageable. Baby Sister is not only newly head-down, but she's suddenly packing it on!!!!!! And the result, for me, is: slipped ligaments in my pelvis, severe pelvic joint pain, quite a lot of pelvic pressure, some pretty serious lower back pain, very sleepless nights, and my very first-ever trip to the chiropractor. Everything was relatively easy breezy until about a week ago. And then suddenly (and ironically) with the relief of Baby Sister flipping, came too the flip-side of pregnancy: discomfort. Emphasis on the dis. Luckily Braydon found me a miracle-worker chiropractor who happily works on pregnant women. The bright side is that I still don't have that "enormous"/"beached whale"/miserable/'I'm-so-ready-for-this-to-be-over' feeling. But I wonder how much that is because I simply can't afford to let myself wish for this to be over anytime too soon -- I'm still hoping that I go right to the due date, if not over, because of how very long the to-do list still is. We'd like to have, for example, an infant car seat... and a bedroom for baby... and some diapers. You know-- not necessities per se, but things that are kind of important to us nonetheless. It would be nice to at least feel like we're prepared for her arrival. Not to mention other little details like: the semester still has 3 weeks to go, grades are due May 12, I have multiple big projects to wrap up before my maternity leave begins, etc., etc., etc. Intellectually, I know she could come any day now. Emotionally, I feel like there is no way on earth she can come any sooner than May 15. Who knows when Baby Sister will decide to make her grand debut??? But right now I'm still counting on the due date as accurate~~~ as of today: 5 weeks and counting!


Anonymous said...

You ARE beautiful! I know you are ready for this to be over. Not fun feeling like a blimp and having your pelvis fall apart.

I was due two weeks before the end of the semester. Within that time I had term papers to complete and four final exams.I had done "nada" to prepare the baby's room (no money, no time).

The "Universe" cooperated, I went into labor two hours after I submitted the last final exam. It's like my body said "no, no, cannot do this labor and birth thing until all this stuff is done". To this day I am still amazed.

I hope my story helps you. Glad to hear Baby Sister is in essence ready and waiting (head down). Now if only she will wait for her grand entry. I have a feeling she will be perfectly, fashionably late like every Princess.

We love you,
Carol and Grandpa

Single PAP said...

aw, such a cute pregnant woman. :-)

Anonymous said...

you're so beautiful, heather!

Mamato2 said...

You look amazing, even if maybe you feel so uncomfortable at times. May the rest of the journey be peaceful!

Ani said...

aawww - you sure look cute! hope baby sister stays put for the next 5 weeks :)

Unknown said...

You look beautiful & glowing!

Anonymous said...

You've got the "glow"

Anonymous said...

You are absolutly GORGEOUS!!Happiness so shining through from within.Oh Heather dear,you are just SOOO beautiful inside and out.

T and T Livesay said...

Diapers are important.

That is my parenting tip.

LOVE to you all. Still following you and wanted you to know.
