Tonight the boys helped me to compile these lists...
their Top Ten Favorite Foods~~
- Fish
- Sausage (his favorite is sweet Italian style chicken or turkey sausage, but he loves any and all kinds of sausage)
- French Toast
- Quesadillas
- Cheese & Crackers
- Warm Milk
- Pomegranates
- Strawberries
- Queso Dip
- Chocolate; Chocolate Milk; Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Pasta, Pasta, Pasta (this little man loves it; any shape; any sauce; any time of day or night; he's all pasta all the time)
- "Mexican Food" (I think he is mostly referring to his beloved burrito bowls at Chipotle, although he specifically noted "burritos" and "rice" and "beans")
- Blueberries; Blueberry Muffins
- Hot Dogs
- Fig Newtons
- Green Beans
- Watermelon
- Bananas
- "French Fries with Ketchup"
- Chicken
- "Pesto and Creamy Pesto" (They consider these two separate distinct items; "Pesto" is plain pesto -- with any kind of pasta [although their favorite is pesto with fresh tortellini or fresh ravioli]; and "Creamy Pesto" is a pasta dish I make: Chicken & Penne in a Pesto Cream Sauce)
- "Macaroni" (i.e., macaroni & cheese -- they love most any/all mac n' cheese [what kid doesn't?!], but their favorite is "Bunny Macaroni" [which is Annie's Organic Shells and White Cheddar either on its own, or sometimes I mix a few handfuls of baby peas into it])
- Yogurt (see this post) -- Owen's favorite is vanilla; Kyle's favorite is blueberry
- Cheese CHEESE cheese Cheese CHEESE cheese
- Waffles -- preferably from Waffle House, but homemade will do too
- Panera's Broccoli Cheddar Soup (with multigrain baguette as their preferred side... and they always carefully tear the bread into bite sized bits, stir it all into the soup, and eat it like one big one-pot meal... they've been doing this whole Panera-soup-bread-ritual-thing -- and each polishing off their own full-sized portions -- since they were about 18 months old)
- Smoothies
- "Syrian Bars" (i.e., cereal bars)
- Orange Juice
- Pizza (either pepperoni or plain cheese)
She doesn't have a top ten yet, but she's working on it. Her current favorite meal is the one pictured above-- a jar of Earth's Best Spinach & Potatoes, diced cheese (mozzarella); diced fresh banana; and... drumroll please... water IN A SIPPY CUP (her new favorite mealtime activity: trying her darndest to drink out of a sippy cup)!
this all makes me very hungry
Mmmmmm...great favorites! I hope we get a mom and and dad "Top Ten" meals too :)
wow. fish as a favorite food? impressive.
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